In 35 days, we are going to, once again, line the voting booths and choose the next President that will lead the Philippines for the next 6 years or so. Political pundits are saying that this election is a cross-road for the Philippine society. I am not sure why, and how, because the way how I see things are going these days, it's the same banana!
Candidates are still willing to embarrass themselves by awkwardly dancing with Marianne Rivera or the Sexbomd Dancers in their rallies just to get the people to believe that "Hey, I am one of you." The last Presidential candidate I voted for never stood a chance of winning and sadly, already dead (Raul Roco, not FPJ!).
How much is at stake this time? Well a lot. For a very selfish reason, I am tired of seeing my tax do nothing. Seriously, I work long hours of sweat, blood and tears in the office (ok, that's a bit exaggerated), and I want to see MY TAX WORK! Ok? And second, there are some issues that I also want to see get some action done, say Poverty, Education, Equality (something I am a little more passionate on...) and the Mindanao Conflict (another issue I am passionate about). Really, these are the same things that the last say, 5 elections have been centered around. Let's get some traction people.
So for the benefit of the young-ish people that are my fellow "Facebookers", I have compiled some reasons why we should or should not vote for a particular Presidential candidate. And yes, we should vote! It's our right and responsibility. Don't go whining about your local politician if you did not even bother to vote. So listen up!
Presenting the President Wannabes for 2010 (in alphabetical order)
Vetallano Acosta
Profile: Running under KBL (Marcos' original party, I wonder why Bong-bong is not running under this slate?)
YES: Forgive me for my ignorance, but who the hell is he? I bet he is someone that have done something good for this country and that is pretty much qualified to run for the office since Comelec allowed him to, but I really just don't know him. And sometimes, ignorance is bliss. So maybe, just because I don't know him makes him deserve a second look.
NO: Anyone running under KBL should not be taken seriously. Imelda Papin is one of his Senatorial candidate.
Benigno "Noy-noy" Aquino III
Profile: Only son of Former President Cory Aquino and Political Icon, Ninoy Aquino, brother of Kris Aquino
YES: He has strong and concrete political and social platforms and seems to know what he is doing. He is also aware of the gravity of expectation that is on his shoulders right now, anyone that can still sleep under the enormous pressure can surely be considered to be the next President. Raised under a highly political environment, Noynoy and the Aquino family in general is probably the closest thing the Philippines can ever have for the Kennedy's. He also have good political genes running in his veins. Anyone that was spawned by both Cory and Ninoy Aquino can only be good for our country.
NO: On the contrary, there is Kris Aquino. And also, amongst all the candidates, it seems to be that Noynoy actually has one of the thinnest of resume's. Even Brother Eddie can never be taunted as "inexperienced".
John Carlos "JC" Delos Reyes
Profile: Again, I'm asking you to forgive my ignorance, I barely know the guy, so I heavily rely on what I can find on the internet. JC is from Luzon and is apparently, the nephew of another candidate Dick Gordon. He is currently serving as a City Councilor for Olongapo
YES: John Carlos comes from a very educated family and have tons of Masters and what-have-you's under his belt. He have local political experience and seems to be a very nice guy.
NO: Just like Noynoy, being a City Councilor does not make a President. At least, Aquino is a Senator and was a Congressman. Besides, I don't think anyone is this country is ready to have a president named "JC." Prez JC sounds like a ghetto rapper to me.
Joseph "Erap" Estrada
Profile: Former President, Former Senator and Mayor of San Juan, Actor
YES: Erap probably have the most experience out of all the candidates, after all, he was the President. He was a Mayor, Senator, President and above all award-winning actor. Oh, is that not a qualification?
NO: Two Words: Boracay Mansion.
Richard "Dick" Gordon
Profile: Senator, Chairman of SBMA, Mayor of Olongapo City, Chairman of the Philippine Red Cross for many, many years.
YES: Dick Gordon have consistently proven how effective of a leader he is. He did it in Olongapo City by turning the once sleazy city to the booming business mecca it is today. He conceptualized WOW Philippines media campaign to advance the tourism industry in the country. He performed as one of the top senators in terms of turning bills into actual laws (which is their jobs, by the way), while being the active Chairman of PRC. Clearly, this man does have what it takes to be the President. Plus, anyone that decides to have Bayani Fernando as their VP certainly is a thinking man. Dick Gordon can utter the words "Political Will" and we will not cringe of embarrassment.
NO: Why would people not vote for him? Because Dick Gordon will never win. Let's just say that he possess the "Raul Roco Syndrome". Good in paper, good in action, but lacks the machinery. People will not vote for him because he will never winl. Sad but true.
Jamby Madrigal
Profile: Another candidate from a very political pedigree. Granddaugther of Jose Abad-Santos, Jamby's lineage is of nation-builders and poltical mavericks. Currently serving her 2nd Senatorial term and is Chairperson of 4 Senatorial Committees.
YES: I applaud this ladies audacity to actually run for President. Seriously, why would she do that? She can retire, grab her LV's and lounge in the clear waters of the Bahamas while enjoying a sip of her expensive cocktails. This woman is so rich it's obsence, yet she chose to be part of the dirty political arena of this nation. Surely, that should merit something. Also, based on the records of the Senate, she has voted against all anti-poor, anti-nationalistic bills in the Senate. Impressive.
NO: Jamby will never win or will never get the people to vote for her for two reasons; first, we are suspicious of filthy rich people running for office, we don't understand their intent. And second, she offended Juday's fans. So there.
Nicanor "Nicky" Perlas
Profile: A consultant to influential decision-makers, farmer, banker and a scientist.
YES: Nicky Perlas knows what he is doing. He have been in the sidelights of Philippine governance since Cory Aquino's time. He was the economic and political advisor of Aquino and Ramos. He advocates sustainable development and have been key to some of the initiatives that the aforementioned administrations had. He can probably out-talk and out-plan every other candidate when it comes to economy talk. Perlas' resume is impressive to say the least.
NO: Do we really want another Economist? GMA is one and a Harvard graduate at that. Plus, if Perlas have been advising the previous administrations on their economic and trade relations, is he not part of the blame why we are in deep sh*t now? Think about it.
Gilbert "Gibo" Teodoro
Profile: Current National Defense Secretary, running under the administration ticket.
YES: Gilbert Teodoro. Oh Gibo. One fine guy with a resume that has nothing in it's mind but the Presidency. This is a guy built to become the President. From his early high school years with Sanguniang Kabataan, up until his Masters of Law courtesy of Harvard U, Gibo falls under the prototypes of JFK, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama. His is a career of well-orchestrated poltical moves and allies. He is from again, a very political family. Gibo and his wife are being packaged as the Philippines version of Barrack and Michelle Obama. And, who would say no to a good looking President? Of all the candidates, Gibo (oh that name alone!) is worth our fancy. We are a lookist country and don't you dare deny it!
NO: Unfortunately, he is with the current administration. Not only he can't chant "Change We Can", because then, he is turning against his boss, but he also cannot trash-talk against the current president. Why should we not vote for him, simply because of all the calculated career-moves he did in the past, this one is an EPIC FAIL.
Brother Eddie Villanueva
Profile: Professor, Economist, Broadcaster, Freedom-fighter, TV Evangelist
YES: Brother Eddie have a lot of things going on. Aside from sitting as a Board Member of a major university in the country, he is also the Chairman of Jesus is Lord Movement. This is his second attempt at the position and we need to give him props for his sheer guts and determination. His resume is also quite impressive with the number of foundations and socio-civic groups that he has lead. Besides, anyone that can lead thousands of people to believe in one thing and move to the same direction can definitely dream of becoming a president.
NO: Why? Because again, we are suspicious of TV Evangelists. Why would he ran for the Presidency? Why would he say that God actually chose him to become our President? How did that actually happen? Did God talk to him and said "Be the President!" ala Moses with the Burning Bush? Were there "messengers" invloved (hint: angels). I am not making a mockery out of his belief, but come on, you do not expect people to believe that God talked to you to run for this office? I remembered GMA also said that. And besides, if ever he becomes the President, what would be his take on the separation of church and state? That would be interesting.
Manuel "Manny" Villar
Profile: Senate President, Chairman of the House, Businessman, a TV monopolizer
YES: Manny Villar, is probably, the most successful PR campaign that ever happened in the recent history of Philippines elections. His campaign jingle with it's mass appeal has become both a symbol and a joke about poverty in the Philippines. True that he was really from a very humble beginning and that he is a self-made man. No one will contest that whatever Villar is enjoying now was borne out of this own hardwork and dedication. His is a story of true success from humble beginnings. Manny Villar embodies "The Filipino Dream" if ever there is one. The fact that he is not from a famous political family but was able to carve a name for his own in this country is already a testament of what Manny can do as the President.
NO: Because he have not explained and articulated his side on some of the most pressing issues that was thrown his way. The supposed deal that he signed to the advantage of his real-estate business is still shady at best. We do not want a President that have questionable business deals (hello Erap and GMA?). Also, when you say "Si Manny ang magtatapos sa ating kahirapan", how exactly would you do that? Would he give out his millions to us? Would he privately fund the government? And please, I feel that the "mahirap" thing is so overplayed. Seriously, we know what you have been through, but that silly line "Nakakain ka na ba ng spaghetti na tira-tira?", of course! Everyone has, right? Left over from birthdays and holidays. Lolz. Just kidding. But man, that commercial jingle, it's OVERKILL! Plus, you invaded FACEBOOK!
So that's about it. Clearly, from the write ups, you'd know who I'd vote for. But I am not writing this to influence any of you. I'd just want everyone to exercise their right of suffrage. After all, it is our country's future we are talking about here.